$225 USD
The essence of math is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.
S. Gudder
The Math portion of the SAT is a source for concern for many students who are planning to enter college and their parents.
Students not only learn how to “do the Math”; but, they also learn how to approach the Math portion of the SAT and how to earn more points. After taking our SAT Math Boot Camp, many of our students increased their SAT Math scores by 40 to 90 points over their previous scores.
The Math portion of the SAT gives students 80 minutes to solve 58 math problems. A little over ONE minute per problem is clearly not enough time to complete this section.
Students learn
- How to GUESS
- When the CALCULATOR is allowed and when the CALCULATOR is not allowed.
- How to manage TIME
- How to avoid TRAPS
- How to earn MORE POINTS
All math problems are not meant to be solved by “doing the Math”. Some can be solved with just a little ingenuity.
The six-and-a-half-hour SAT Math Boot Camp describes the structure of the Math portion of the SAT, reviews basic math concepts, and gives test taking strategies needed to help students improve their scores on the Math portion of the SAT.
The SAT Math Boot Camp covers the topics in the Math portion of the SAT
- Heart of Algebra
- Problem Solving and Data Analysis
- Passport to Advanced Math
An investment in the SAT Math Boot Camp today could mean a potential academic scholarship tomorrow!!
The investment includes
- hard copy of the SAT Math Boot Camp course
- problem set
- answers
- copy of the book “How to Help Parents and Kids Get Over the Fear of Math”
- two hours of of question/answer time (for students not enrolled in the six-and-a-half-hour SAT Math Boot Camp)
- U.S. Shipping and Handling
Click on the Testimonials link to read what people are saying about the SAT Math Boot Camp and Math 1 On 1, LLC.
$225 USD